Tag Archives: undateable

It’s not me, it’s you…

We all have heard that famous line: “It’s not you, it’s me”. Well, sometimes, it really is him (or her). Finding your soul mate, significant other or whatever you want to call that special person that makes your little heart skip a beat can be fun but more often than not, it is challenging. We all have our own criteria and qualities we are looking for in a mate. However, sometimes, I wonder why some people would show up on a first date looking the way they do. When you are in your twenties, your expectations are different. Once you have reached a certain age, you usually know what you want and are looking for. For me, as well as being honest, gainfully employed and not living in his parents’ basement, it is a man who can dress like a grown-up; on our first date anyways…

Things like white running shoes with dress pants; baseball cap with a suit; stain or torn T-shirts are all deal breakers for me. And I know I’m not the only one who thinks this way. According to Ellen Rakieten and Anne Coyle, the co-authors of Undateable, there are 311 things that guys do that make them undateable. Although I may not agree with each one of the things they list, it is nevertheless quite hilarious and entertaining. Some of my favourites: the Canadian tuxedo (a.k.a. the denim sandwich), sunglasses worn on the back of the head, and, obviously, white socks (read any socks) with sandals. What are some of yours?

So do your single friends a favour and watch this video. Then, let them know how to solve this problem.

And, yes I agree, there are more important things to look at than the way a person dresses, but let’s be honest, the way you “window-dress” yourself can make the difference between being alone and finding YOUR special someone.